Myrl G. Marmarelis
I am in the process of earning my PhD from the University of Southern California while working at the Information Sciences Institute under the supervision of Greg Ver Steeg, Aram Galstyan, and Fred Morstatter. My contributions continue to focus on robust causal inference and high-dimensional statistics. I have been fortunate to forge collaborations across multiple disciplines, including a project with Heinz-Josef Lenz using clinical-trial data, a project with Neda Jahanshad using the UK Biobank, and a project with Abigail Horn on mobility data. I am currently the Statistics Engineering Intern at Eppo.
Separately, I have spent time developing an end-to-end system for realtime monitoring of ultradian rhythms, those few-hour cycles in the human body that seem to modulate alertness. My eventual goal is to promote long-term wellness and health through novel uses of comfortable, noninvasive, and affordable wearables.
Selected Publications
Recorded Talks
Causality Discussion Group (August 2023) for the UAI '23 work.
UAI 2023 single-track oral presentation on Partial Identification of Dose Responses with Hidden Confounders.
USC Biostatistics Seminar (April 2023) on Latent Factor Discovery with Transcriptomics Data with Greg.
I am trying to make my work relevant in the battle against climate change, or improving public health. Feel free to reach out for possible collaborations.
09/12/2021 Toning down polarization in elections.
10/25/2020 Exponential smoothing, coupled with a primer on Bayesian inference.
Open Source
RankedChoices.jl --- A Julia package to facilitate analysis of ranked preferences.
rolling-quantiles --- A Python package to quickly stream rolling quantiles via a backend written in C.
Check out my old website, a remnant of my aspirations for quantitative freelancing.
My undergraduate endeavors were marked by oft-unpublishable ambition.
I also co-hosted USC's first data-science hackathon for undergraduates in 2019.